

11 JULY 2015 | SAT. | 9:30pm | LARGO STO. ANTÓNIO, 24-26 | TORRES VEDRAS, PT

The historical centre of Torres Vedras has a new neighbourhood. You don’t believe it?

Then please join us for the opening of the new headquarters of Transforma.

The old Bairro (Neighbourhood) Leonor is now a building crossed by a street that invites
you to inhabit it, to use it and to convert it into a common ground. Inside of it, artistic and
educational projects will be developed and/or presented, there will be a centre for
documentation and research, residences for creators, a shop/gallery, a cafeteria that
extends itself to the street ... and much more!

On the next Saturday, July 11th, at 9:30pm, come and participate in the opening and
discovery of this new neighbourhood.

Gather your family and friends and join us for the opening of our new headquarters. Throughout the evening, there will be plenty of entertainment on the Santo António square, with the performance of the Portuguese band TOCHAPESTANA.

For more information, please check our Facebook page or contact us directly.

We are waiting for you!